Monday, March 24, 2014

Learn 18 words a day

  1. This /That/What/
  2. Where/Is/ Are/
  3. And/also/In/
  4. On/Book/Paper/
  5. Ink/Pen/Chair/
  6. Table/Floor/Ground/
  7. This is a book.That is a table.
  8. What is this?
  9. Where is that?
  10. This and that ,both are good.
  11. You can also read and write.
  12. Please come in.
  13. What's on the chair?
  14. There are many papers/pages in the book.
  15. The paper is there.
  16. This is blue ink.
  17. The pen is on the chair.
  18. The chair and the table are on the floor.
  19. Where is the playground?
  20. This ground is wet.
  21. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  22. I/We/You/
  23. You/He/She/
  24. It/They/Am/
  25. Was/Are/Were/
  26. Is/Will/Give/
  27. Go/Live/Stay/
  28. I am an Indian.
  29. We are Indians.
  30. You are an Italian.
  31. You are all Americans.
  32. He is a gentleman.
  33. She is a lady.
  34. They are all listeners.
  35. I am in India.
  36. I was in America.
  37. We are here now.
  38. We were in London.
  39. He is in Chennai.
  40. She is in Mumbai.
  41. I will come tomorrow.
  42. Please give me Rs.1000/-
  43. Don't go alone in the dark lane.
  44. We all live on this earth.
  45. Where do you stay?
  46. Do you stay in the hotel? or
  47. Do you live in the hotel?
  48. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  49. Come/Sit/Eat/
  50. Read/Get/Bring/
  51. Drink/See/Take/
  52. Do/Work/Can/
  53. Don't/ Hear/ Talk/
  54. Speak/Say/Tell
  55. Come here and sit.
  56. Sit here and eat.
  57. Read 10 sentences everyday.
  58. Please get me the newspaper.
  59. Please bring me that  red file.
  60. See here.
  61. Please take this with you.
  62. Do this now.
  63. We work in this office.
  64. You too can do this.
  65. Don't be lazy.
  66. Hear this song.
  67. Please talk in a low voice.
  68. Do you speak Hindi?
  69. Please say your prayers every morning.
  70. Please tell only true stories.
  71. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  72. Please come here.
  73. Don't eat that apple.
  74. Sit here quietly.
  75. Eat four apples now.
  76. Read a good book everyday.
  77. Get up early and come to the class.
  78. Bring Krishna also with you.
  79. Write 10 words everyday.
  80. Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  81. Hold this in your hand.
  82. See the blue sea there.
  83. Take this with you.
  84. Do this now.
  85. Work is worship.
  86. How many hands do you have?
  87. Have you eleven fingers?
  88. Hear the glad news.
  89. This is nice.
  90. That is good.
  91. Come/Sit/Eat/
  92. Read/Get up/Bring/
  93. Write/Drink/Hold/
  94. See/Take/ Do/
  95. Work/Hand/Finger/
  96. The/This/That/
  97. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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