Sunday, March 3, 2019


  1. Food we eat,
  2. Ingredients make a dish,
  3. brings in nutrition,
  4. Make it a balanced one.
  5. Less nutrient leads
  6. To Malnutrition.
  7. Herbivores depends
  8. On plants,
  9. Goat and Cow.
  10. Carnivores depends
  11. On other animals,
  12. Lion and tiger.
  13. Omnivores depends on
  14. Plants and animals
  15. Human and sparrow.
  16. Functions of food.
  17. Basic source of energy,
  18. Helps in growth and
  19. Development.
  20. Overcomes wear and tear
  21. Protects body against diseases.
  22. Sources of food.
  23. Cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits.sugar .spices
  24. Animals.meat,egg,honey, fish,milk
  25. Consumers pyramid.herbivores eaten by carnivores.
  26. Omnivores is the man who eats herbivores and carnivores
  27. Edible parts of plants.
  28. Stem.potato,onion, ginger, garlic.
  29. root. carrot, radish,turnip
  30. leaf. lettuce,spinach
  31. Seed. wheat, rice, mustard
  32. Buds.clove


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