Saturday, October 3, 2015

Greater. lesser, and Equal....Maths symbols

When two values are equal
we use the "equals" sign
example: 2+2 = 4
When two values are definitely not equal
we use the "not equal to" sign
example: 2+2 ≠ 9
When one value is smaller than another
we use a "less than" sign
example: 3 < 5
When one value is bigger than another
we use a "greater than" sign
example: 9 > 6

  1. (a) The smallest 1-digit number is 1. 
  1. The greatest 1-digit number is 9. 
  1. Therefore, 9 - 1 = 8 and 8 + 1 = 9 
  1. So, we say that we have 9 one-digit numbers. 

  1. (b) The smallest 2-digit number =10. 
  1. The greatest 2-digit number = 99. 
  1. Therefore 99 - 10 = 89 and 89 + 1 = 90 
  1. So, we say that we have 90 two-digit numbers. 

  1. (c) The smallest 3-digit number = 100. 
  1. The greatest 3-digit number = 999. 
  1. There for 999 - 100 = 899 and 899 + 1 = 900 
  1. So, we say that we have 900 three-digit numbers. 

  1. (d) The smallest 4-digit number = 1000. 
  1. The greatest 4-digit number = 9999. 
  1. There for 9999 - 1000 = 8999 and 8999 + 1 = 9000 
  1. So, we say that we have 9000 four-digit numbers. 

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