Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Learn 18 words and sentences by E-Mail and Blog.

  1. Name/ Friend/ Enemy
  2. What's your name? Krishna
  3. You are your own friend and you are your own enemy.
  4. Word/Matter/Condition
  5. Learn this word,"Word."
  6. What's the matter?
  7. Is it  in good condition?
  8. Price/ Health/ State.
  9. What's the price?
  10. How is his health?
  11. In which state are you?
  12. Are you in good state?
  13. News/Reply/Know
  14. Do you know the news?
  15. Please reply soon.
  16. Do you know how to reply?
  17. Do you know this news?
  18. Tomorrow/ Yesterday/ today
  19. What day is today?
  20. What was the day yesterday?
  21. What day is tomorrow? What will be the day tomorrow?
  22. Day before yesterday/Day after tomorrow.
  23. Day before yesterday was Wednesday.
  24. Day after tomorrow will be Friday.
  25. Now-a-days/ Often/less/
  26. I do not go to the movies now-a days.
  27. I go to the Gym.often.
  28. I take less butter and cheese.
  29. More/ enough/ proper
  30. Do you want anything more?
  31. Is this enough?
  32. Is it proper to condemn anyone?
  33. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  34. Only/some/ a little
  35. Give me only three chocolates.
  36. Give me some sweets.
  37. I know a little about this dish.
  38. A few/ anything/something
  39. I have a few friends.
  40. Do you anything about him?
  41. I want something to eat.
  42. Everything/Nothing
  43. I gave you everything.
  44. I can give you nothing now.
  45. Anyone/someone/No one
  46. Anyone can learn English.
  47. Someone will always help you.
  48. No one, except yourself can do this.
  49. Do/Does/did
  50. Can You do this?
  51. Who does this?
  52. Did he do this?
  53. All/ till/until
  54. All are good .
  55. Wait till I come.
  56. Until I inform you,please do not go there.
  57. This much/ that much/ very much.
  58. Please give me this much.
  59. That much is enough.
  60. I love/like you very much.

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