I am a lion,My wife is the lioness,my kids are called cubs.
We belong to the cat family.
We live in a group. It is called a pride.
I have the Mane but the lioness does not have.
I have some time only one lioness or two.
My brothers,some of them have thirteen to thirty lionesses.
How they manage I am still wondering.
My roar you can hear more than 8 km.away.
You know the story of "The lion and the mouse." I do not have pride even though I live in a pride.
I can prey more only in the nights for I like to take rest for more than twenty hours in the daytime under the shade of a bush or tree.
Do you also know the story of"The two friends crossing the jungle." One knew how to climb the tree and the other one did not know that trick.
When the lion came he acted lying on the ground as dead and the lion does not touch the dead ones even when hungry.His friend came down from the tree and asked him what the lion said.He told the proverb,"A friend in need is a friend indeed."
There were 4 wise men crossing the jungle.They saw a carcass of a dead lion.One gathered the bones, the other provided the skin and the other one gave the life.
But the one with common sense told them not to do it.It would bring harm to them.
They didn't listen.The all became the prey to the lion.
The one with common sense saved himself by climbing on the tree nearby.