Friday, February 19, 2016

Hoopoe bird

  • The Hoopoe’s beak is black, long and slender and slightly downward curved.
  • African Hoopoes live in open, bushy regions, thorn veld and reverie woodlands in dry areas. They can also be found in parks and suburban gardens. These birds nest in cavities such as holes or crevices in tree trunks, however, they have also be known to nest in buildings, abandoned termite nests, nest boxes, piles of boulders and even under houses. They may use the same nest for many years. Nests are generally lined with grass, debris or dried manure.
  • The African Hoopoe is a forager and forages through leafs with its long, thin beak. It mainly eats insects and earthworms off the ground, however, before it actually eats the insect, the Hoopoe will bang the insect on the ground to remove legs and wings and then toss it up into the air before catching it in its open beak.
    African Hoopoes will also eat frogs, small snakes, lizards and also seeds and berries in small quantities. They also eat insect pupae or larvae which they consume by probing the ground with their beak.
  • In flight, Hoopoes are low fliers with an erratic flight pattern and irregular wing beats, however, if being preyed upon by a bird of prey, it can soar very high in order to escape its predator.
  • The female Hoopoe lays around 4 – 7 eggs which are blue/green in colour but quickly become brown. The female incubates the eggs for 14 – 20 days.
  • Image result for type of claws hoopoe birdImage result for type of claws hoopoe birdImage result for type of claws hoopoe birdImage result for type of claws hoopoe birdImage result for type of claws hoopoe bird
  • perching bird - a bird with feet adapted for perching (as on treebranches); this order is now generally abandoned by taxonomists.
  • food: worms,insects, lizards, small reptiles, grains,seeds.
  • Habitat. lives in warm/dry areas. migrate  in winter.
  • They are mainly  found Afro-Eurasia continent.
  • Builds nest in tree cavities, rock crevices
  • Colour of their eggs: blue,green and then becoming brown.
  • Claws are for perching on the trees.
  • Beak: Strong black beak,Long thin tapering bill to probe worms etc. by digging in the ground.

Scientific classification
Leach, 1820
Species:U. epops
Binomial name
Upupa epops
Upupa distribution.png
Approximate range.
      nesting       resident (all year)       wintering

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Royalty Free Music and others

Shake Keane Poet

    Ellsworth McGranahan “Shake” Keane was a jazz musician and poet. He is best known today for his role as a jazz trumpeter, principally his work as a member of the ground-breaking Joe Harriott Quintet. Wikipedia
    DiedNovember 11, 1997, Oslo, Norway

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What does the little Birdie say?


From “Sea Dreams”           by Alfred Lord Tennyson          

WHAT does little birdie say

In her nest at peep of day?

Let me fly, says little birdie,

Mother, let me fly away.

Birdie, rest a little longer,        5

Till the little wings are stronger.

So she rests a little longer,

Then she flies away.


What does little baby say,

In her bed at peep of day?        10

Baby says, like little birdie,

Let me rise and fly away.

Baby sleep, a little longer,

Till the little limbs are stronger,

If she sleeps a little longer,        15

Baby too shall fly away.

Friday, February 12, 2016


  1. Image result for polar bear
  2. Image result for polar bearImage result for polar bearImage result for polar bearImage result for polar bear

  3. Image result for polar bear
  4. Long muzzle and neck of the polar bear help it to search in deep holes for seals, while powerful hindquarters enable it to drag massive prey[67]
  5. Carnivorous animal.
  6. lives mostly in Arctic circle.
  7. likes to live in Snow
  8.  Weight around 350-700 kg.
  9. male Boar female sow
  10. adapted to cold temperatures.
  11. It hunts seals and fish.
  12. In cold places like Arctic circle Seals live.
  13. Snow is up and water is down.
  14. Image result for sealImage result for seal
  15. Image result for seal

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Know all these about animals

  1. Buffalo
  2. Beetle
  3. Butterfly
  4. Bear
  5. Chameleon
  6. Cockroach
  7. Centipede
  8. Camel
  9. Cobra
  10. Donkey
  11. Egret
  12. Earthworm
  13. Elephant
  14. Frog
  15. Giraffe
  16. Gnat
  17. Horse
  18. Honey bee
  19. Insects
  20. Kingfisher
  21. Lion
  22. Monkey
  23. Owl
  24. Octopus
  25. Pig
  26. Parakeet
  27. Peacock
  28. Python
  29. Rhinoceros
  30. Snail
  31. Snake
  32. Shark
  33. Star fish
  34. Tiger
  35. Whale
  36. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  37. Trunk
  38. Tusk
  39. Hump
  40. Flesh
  41. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Difference between Frog and Reptile

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

know more about Dolphins

  2. It is actually rare for a marine mammal to "drown," as they won't inhale underwater; but they do suffocate from a lack of air.
  5. Breathe air (oxygen must be obtained above the surface of the water)
  6. Warm-blooded (mammals tend to have fat/blubber in order to maintain their body heat and must consume adequate calories to stay warm and healthy)
  7. Have hair (in addition to fat/blubber some mammals have hair to help them stay warm in cold climates)
  8. Give birth (most mammals go through a pregnancy period and give birth to their babies; few species lay eggs)
  9. Produce milk (most female mammals produce milk after their child is born in order to provide the child with nutrients, fat and calories so that it can remain healthy and grow)
  10. The short answer to this question is, “yeswhales can drown underwater”, however in order to give you a more detailed and scientific answer we need to go further in depth about how these marine mammalsbreathe and how it’s possible for them to drown due to their aquatic environment.